Wednesday, December 14, 2011




Municipality of Ivisan is a nice and peaceful place. Ivisan was a beautiful place to have a relaxation.There are many places that you can go to enjoy. It is 15 kilometers through the National Highway and approximately 9 kilometers through Provincial road. Ivisan derrived it's name from "Ibis"- a delicious fish abound the area and Ivisan  is organized into a "pueblo" in the year 1815. Municipality of Ivisan is divided into 15 barangays; 2 Urban 13 Rural namely, Poblacion Norte, Poblacion Sur, Agmalobo, Agustin Navara, Basiao, Balaring, Ilaya-Ivisan, Cudian, Cabugao, Malocloc Norte, Malocloc Sur, Matnog, Mianay, Ondoy, And Sta. Cruz.


The Barangay Agmalobo is the barangay after the urban barangay of Poblacion Sur, Ivisan. This is currently govern by Barangay Captain Renato Basan. This captain already finished 6six (6) terms.


The barangay hall of the Barangay Agustin Navarra The Barangay Agustin Navarra is the next barangay after the Barangay Matnog of Ivisan and a barangay before the barangay of Cabugao of Ivisan. This barangay was named after the last name of the ancestors of the said barangay, which was "Navarra". Until now, the family of the said forefather is existing. And the Hon. Loberes govern this barangay.


  Basiao is located at ivisan capiz. Basiao is so blessed with their cute and nice beach resort. A crystal like water. You can enjoy your summer vecation by swimming on the beach. Chill out with your friends. You can go to the islands located at basiao beach. Come and see their beautifull spot. The basiao beach Located at Ivisan Capiz




    The Barangay Cudian is the next barangay after the urban barangay of Poblacion, Norte of Ivisan. This is also one of the gateway of the Ivisanon and the other passers going to Roxas City. This is currently govern by Hon. Vicente Q. Orola.


The Barangay Cabugao is the next barangay after the Barangay Agustin Navarra of Ivisan and a barangay before the barangay of Balaring of Ivisan. This Barangay is the most active barangay in producing the different land crops here in Ivisan such as the copra, coconut and "uling" (coal). This barangay is currently govern by Hon.


  The barangay next after the barangay of Sta. Cruz is the Barangay Ilaya-Ivisan of Ivisan. The Malkaha Resort can be found in this barangay. And is currently govern by Hon. .


The Malocloc Norte of Uvusan is the next barangay after the urban barangay of Poblacion Sur of Ivisan. This barangay has two resorts, namely: the Spring Hills Resort and the Green Mountain Resort which is under construction for now and soon to open. This barangay is currently govern by Hon. .


  The Barangay Malocloc Sur of Ivisan is the next barangay after the Barangay Malocloc Norte of Ivisan. This barangay is the boundary of the municipality of Ivisan and the municipality of Sapian. This is currently govern by Hon. .


The Barangay Matnog of Ivisan is the next barangay after the Barangay Agmalobo of Ivisan and the barangay before the Barangay Agustin Navarra. This Barangay is currently govern by Hon.


   The Barangay Mianay of Ivisan is the next barangay afte the barangay of Ondoy of Ivisan. This barangay is the bounday of the municipality of Ivisan and the municipality of Sigma Capiz. This is currently govern by Hon. Maria Victoria Gialen.


   The Barangay Ondoy of Ivisan is the next barangay after the urban barangay of Pobalcion Sur of Ivisan. And this is the barangay before the Barangay Mianay of Ivisan. This is currently govern by Hon. .


  The Poblacion, Norte of Ivisan is one urban barangay found in Ivisan. The different known buildings and different establishments were built in here, such as the Roman Catholic Church, the Public Market, the Ivisan's Municipal Hall, the Kabuhayan Center, Civic Center, Main Health Center and many other known establishments. This is currently govern by Hon. .


  Poblacion, Sur is one urban barangay of Ivisan, Capiz. This urban barangay of Ivisan, is the gateway of all barangays in Ivisan going to the different barangays of the said municipality and to the other cities of the Region VI. This is currently govern by Hon. Elmor Buloso, whom became the most outstanding barangay captain in the Region-VI, because of his program of "Blood Donation", which help a lot to the different patien tsof the epidemic dengue.


   The Barangay Sta. Cruz is the next barangay after the Poblacion Norte of Ivisan. And this barangay is found before the Barangay Ilay-Ivisan of Ivisan, Capiz. This barangay has a proud resort named Sta. Ana Farm Resort. This is currently govern by Hon. .

Tourist Spots and Beaches of Municipality of Ivisan


A pristine and peaceful white sand beach located 3 kilometers from the Municipality of Ivisan. This untouched tourist attraction is an excellent alternative to the hustle and bustle of other beaches in the region. With it's beautiful scenery and delicious seafood, Virgin Beach is a perfect getaway place for a vacation.


One of the most beautiful and cute resort on Basio Ivisan  is Umbrella beach Resort.Umbrella beach resort was located at Sitio Marankalan.You can traveled four minutes from White sand beach going to the next resort, the Umbrella Beach Resort.


One of the most attractive resort in Capiz.Sta.Ana was recognized in the year 2000 by Family of Sta.Ana. It is located at Brgy. Ilaya ivisan, Ivisan Capiz with 395 km away. In Sta. Ana farm Resort you can take pleasure in swimming with your friends ,chill out together wit your love ones and family. Sta Ana Farm Resort is also accessible for any proceedings venue like garden wedding ceremony and birthday party. This resort is good enough for all catering service for all occasions. They have also the cottages and rooms for you to check in or to stay overnight. Sta. Ana are also for all visitor who want to visit the place and expend the moment with their special somebody while be glad about the beauty and fell the fresh air of nature.The sightseer will surely love and enjoy the natural scenery of the resort. Once you visited their beautiful resort , you will keep on coming back. Come and visit their resort at ivisan.

Products of Municipality


There are many products of Ivisan,like indigenous craft making(basket, furniture, novelty items), native Delicacies- fresh "Ubod" lumpia and pickles, "baye-baye" and Rafia fibers.In fishery, people in the coastal barangays use conventional method of fish drying and there is one ice plant and cold storage  and 4 fish storage that support the fishing industry.There are at least 10 poultry farms that you can find within the municipality and there are one hatchery for chicken. Other people raise hogs, poultry and cattle in their backyard.They can make a flower  or decorations by the use of shells or plastic.

"BAsiao" The Hidden Spot in Capiz

Picture         The  Philippines is plentiful on having too much blessings especially in nature. A numerous fine-looking places in Capiz, near at Ivisan you can stay for you to have your typical nature tripping and leisure far from the piercing and impure places of the city. When you see all the beautiful scene  resortses and islands , you will appreciate the goodness of God. The place is really sanctified by God with diverse amazing sceneries that only in Capiz can be seen.
              Many sightseer who came in the Philippines to see  the beauty of our nature  and our customs.And among those sightseer are came from another country, the foreigners. They are visiting our country not only for their business and appointments, but for making themselves relaxing and enjoying in the famous tourist spot here in the Philippines like Boracay which is located at Caticalan, it is a most well known place and spot  where we can find the white sand and also hotels where they can take rest and relax.

In  Capiz, just like Boracay, there is also a unique sand. A white sand and also beaches where we can  found at Basiao Ivisan Capiz. To went there, it almost take a minutes riding a jeep from the  terminal of Ivisan  to Basiao. The Baranggay Basiao is blessed with white sand. Basiao Beach and Islands are offers a comforting experience. If you have an stress living, it is a best  place to chill out and relax. With clear water, we can enjoy swimming and take a pleasure for boating. This is enjoyable and fitted for the family and also for lovers. Experience the beauty of  Basiao and see the  beauty of  every beautiful scene you see.

Monday, December 12, 2011

History of Ivisan

The municipality of Ivisan became a pueblo in the year 1815, through the help of the late ancestors of the residents of the Ivisan Capiz and government officials of the Spaniards. The municipality of Ivisan is almost half of an hour traveling from the City of Roxas. Ivisan Capiz is considered as one of the natural municipality like the other municipalities in Capiz. It is, because it has a very natural look or environment. Ivisan Municipality is also a fourth income class municipality.

Ivisan Municipality serves as the main gateway going to Roxas City from the different municipalities in Capiz such as   the Municipality of Sapian, Municipality of Sigma, Municipality of Mambusao, Municipality of Dao, Municipality of Cuartero, Municipality of Dumalag, Municipality of Jamindan, Municipality of Dumarao and Municipality of Tapaz. And the other cities here in Region VI.
                The municipality of Ivisan recognized as the smallest municipality here in Capiz. And even though it is a small one, the municipality of Ivsian is also active in saving Mother Earth and preventing the cleanliness of the said of the environment of the municipality of Ivisan, at the same time, the health of each residents of the Ivisan municipality. Infact, it is also consider as one of the cleanest municipality and received two consecutive awards in the year of 2008, which is held here in Capiz together with the other municipalities in Capiz.

History of the Ivisan, Capiz
                  Long before the Spanish invasion, this place was wilderness, sorrounded with thick foliage and big trees. The people lived by groups at first, composed of about five or seven families. Later on these groups founded a village. Due to geographical situation of the town the chief livelihood of the people were mostly fishing and little farming. Whenever people from far villages yearned for fresh fish they always said, "Let us go the place where there is an abundance of "Ibis" (refers to small fish). They usually come in groups and stayed for weeks, salting and preserving the small fish they could get. Later on, when the Spaniards came, they thought it wise to give a proper name to the village. The Provincial Governor appointed a committee. This in turn called a meeting of all the prominent men of the village purposely for the selection of an appropriate name for this pueblo. The people together with the Spanish Officials, aware of the fact that the place was famous for "Ibis", unanimously deemed it right and proper to call it "Ibisan". Officially however, the Spaniards called it "Ivisan" because of their preference of the letter V to B. Modern scholars nevertheless, under the influence of American educators called it "Iuisan" primarily for the sake of euphony and secondly for the reason that in the old roman writing they write the letter "U" as "V" hence reading V as U as IUISAN.

                 The municipality of Ivisan has quite an interesting and unique history all its own, especially its struggle for political and economic existence. Numerous and countless were the trials as well as tribulations encountered by our forefathers and civic minded citizens before this place was made into third class municipality.

                Ever-dreaming and longing for a better place for themselves and their offspring, these men continued to work and labor for the improvement and uplifment of the community and masses, until their longed-for dreams and desires were duly realized. Some died before their ideals materialized while several others minded not time, money nor sufferings in order to achieve their dreams.


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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Municipality of ivisan

The Municipality of Ivisan is consider as the smallest municipality here in Capiz. And even though it is a small one, the municipality of Ivsian is also active in saving mother earth and preventing the cleanliness of the said municipality. Infact, it is also consider as one of the cleanest municipality.

In the year of 2008, the municipality of Ivisan received two awards that serves as evidence that the municipality of Ivisan is a cleanest municipality together with the other municipalities in Capiz, in the “Gawad Pangulo sa Kapaligiran” .

The Spanish government helped Ivisanon to have there own name for their village. It’s because ,the people who lived here long time ago has the principal livelihood of fishing, and every time they fish, they always told to their company that “let’s go and catch some ibis!”, this helped the Spaniards to established a name of “Ibisan” to the said village. But later on, the Spanish scholars have a preference of the letter “B” to “V”, they used to change the name “Ibisan” to “Ivisan” which was more convenient and agreed by the residents of the village and the Spanish government. This how the name of Ivisan started.

The Municipality of Ivisan has an interesting history for it’s own good. Before it became a third class municipality, the forefathers or the ancestors experienced a lot of things and events. But they overcome it because of the great faith, perseverance and a very good leadership of their leader.

But because of the said qualities of the residents who live in this municipality, the municipality of Ivisan became progressive and successful for having a good establishments and having a responsible citizens. There are a lot of higher government officials of the different municipalities in Capiz and in the whole Republic of the Philippines as well help the municipality of Ivisan to become a stable one.


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Long before the Spanish invasion, this place was wilderness, sorrounded with thick foliage and big trees. The people lived by groups at first, composed of about five or seven families. Later on these groups founded a village. Due to geographical situation of the town the chief livelihood of the people were mostly fishing and little farming. whenever people from far villages yearned for fresh fish they always said, "Let us go the place where there is an abundance of "Ibis" (refers to small fish). They usually come in groups and stayed for weeks, salting and preserving the s,all fish they could get. Later on, when the Spaniards came, they thought it wise to give a proper name to the village. The Provincial Governor appointed a committee. This in turn called a meeting of all the prominent men of the village purposely for the selection of an appropriate name for this pueblo. The people together with the Spanish Officials, aware of the fact that the place was famous for "Ibis", unanimously deemed it right and proper to call it "Ibisan". Officially however, the Spaniards called it "Ivisan" because of their preference of the letter V to B. Modern scholars nevertheless, under the influence of American educators called it "Iuisan" primarily for the sake of euphony and secondly for the reason that in the old roman writing they write the letter "U" as "V" hence reading V as U as IUISAN.

                 The municipality of Ivisan has quite an interesting and unique history all its own, especially its struggle for political and economic existence. Numerous and countless were the trials as well as tribulations encountered by our forefathers and civic minded citizens before this place was made into third class municipality.

               Ever-dreaming and longing for a better place for themselves and their offspring, these men continued to work and labor for the improvement and uplifment of the community and masses, until their longed-for dreams and desires were duly realized. Some died before their ideals materialized while several others minded not time, money nor sufferings in order to achieve their dreams.