Municipality of Ivisan is a nice and peaceful place. Ivisan was a beautiful place to have a relaxation.There are many places that you can go to enjoy. It is 15 kilometers through the National Highway and approximately 9 kilometers through Provincial road. Ivisan derrived it's name from "Ibis"- a delicious fish abound the area and Ivisan is organized into a "pueblo" in the year 1815. Municipality of Ivisan is divided into 15 barangays; 2 Urban 13 Rural namely, Poblacion Norte, Poblacion Sur, Agmalobo, Agustin Navara, Basiao, Balaring, Ilaya-Ivisan, Cudian, Cabugao, Malocloc Norte, Malocloc Sur, Matnog, Mianay, Ondoy, And Sta. Cruz.
The Barangay Agmalobo is the barangay after the urban barangay of Poblacion Sur, Ivisan. This is currently govern by Barangay Captain Renato Basan. This captain already finished 6six (6) terms.
The barangay hall of the Barangay Agustin Navarra The Barangay Agustin Navarra is the next barangay after the Barangay Matnog of Ivisan and a barangay before the barangay of Cabugao of Ivisan. This barangay was named after the last name of the ancestors of the said barangay, which was "Navarra". Until now, the family of the said forefather is existing. And the Hon. Loberes govern this barangay.
Basiao is located at ivisan capiz. Basiao is so blessed with their cute and nice beach resort. A crystal like water. You can enjoy your summer vecation by swimming on the beach. Chill out with your friends. You can go to the islands located at basiao beach. Come and see their beautifull spot. The basiao beach Located at Ivisan Capiz
The baranagy hall of the Baranagy Balaring of Ivisan Barangay Balaring is the barangay next after the Barangay Cabugao of Ivisan and a barangay before you reach the Barangay Basiao of Ivisan. This Barangay is famous for having a nice view park near the ocean which the Culasi barangay of Roxas City can be seen and the fish port. This is curretnly govern by Hon. .
The Barangay Cudian is the next barangay after the urban barangay of Poblacion, Norte of Ivisan. This is also one of the gateway of the Ivisanon and the other passers going to Roxas City. This is currently govern by Hon. Vicente Q. Orola.
The Barangay Cabugao is the next barangay after the Barangay Agustin Navarra of Ivisan and a barangay before the barangay of Balaring of Ivisan. This Barangay is the most active barangay in producing the different land crops here in Ivisan such as the copra, coconut and "uling" (coal). This barangay is currently govern by Hon.
The barangay next after the barangay of Sta. Cruz is the Barangay Ilaya-Ivisan of Ivisan. The Malkaha Resort can be found in this barangay. And is currently govern by Hon. .
The Malocloc Norte of Uvusan is the next barangay after the urban barangay of Poblacion Sur of Ivisan. This barangay has two resorts, namely: the Spring Hills Resort and the Green Mountain Resort which is under construction for now and soon to open. This barangay is currently govern by Hon. .
The Barangay Malocloc Sur of Ivisan is the next barangay after the Barangay Malocloc Norte of Ivisan. This barangay is the boundary of the municipality of Ivisan and the municipality of Sapian. This is currently govern by Hon. .
The Barangay Matnog of Ivisan is the next barangay after the Barangay Agmalobo of Ivisan and the barangay before the Barangay Agustin Navarra. This Barangay is currently govern by Hon.
The Barangay Mianay of Ivisan is the next barangay afte the barangay of Ondoy of Ivisan. This barangay is the bounday of the municipality of Ivisan and the municipality of Sigma Capiz. This is currently govern by Hon. Maria Victoria Gialen.
The Barangay Ondoy of Ivisan is the next barangay after the urban barangay of Pobalcion Sur of Ivisan. And this is the barangay before the Barangay Mianay of Ivisan. This is currently govern by Hon. .
The Poblacion, Norte of Ivisan is one urban barangay found in Ivisan. The different known buildings and different establishments were built in here, such as the Roman Catholic Church, the Public Market, the Ivisan's Municipal Hall, the Kabuhayan Center, Civic Center, Main Health Center and many other known establishments. This is currently govern by Hon. .
Poblacion, Sur is one urban barangay of Ivisan, Capiz. This urban barangay of Ivisan, is the gateway of all barangays in Ivisan going to the different barangays of the said municipality and to the other cities of the Region VI. This is currently govern by Hon. Elmor Buloso, whom became the most outstanding barangay captain in the Region-VI, because of his program of "Blood Donation", which help a lot to the different patien tsof the epidemic dengue.
The Barangay Sta. Cruz is the next barangay after the Poblacion Norte of Ivisan. And this barangay is found before the Barangay Ilay-Ivisan of Ivisan, Capiz. This barangay has a proud resort named Sta. Ana Farm Resort. This is currently govern by Hon. .
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